SuperTech Cost Tracker User Manual

1. Information Sheet

The Information Sheet is the first step towards effectively utilizing the SuperTech Cost Tracker. It gathers essential details about your project to ensure accurate cost tracking and reporting. Follow the instructions below to complete the Information Sheet.

Required Information

Steps to Complete the Information Sheet

2. Running the Add Vendor Script

Once you have filled in the Information Sheet, follow these steps to run the add vendor script:

3. Selecting a Vendor for the New Vendor Sheet

4. Vendor Sheet

The Vendor Sheet is where detailed information about vendor transactions is recorded. Each column in the Vendor Sheet serves a specific purpose to ensure accurate tracking and reporting of costs. Follow the instructions below to understand and complete each column.

Column Descriptions

Additional Features

5. Project Summary Sheet

The Project Summary sheet is an essential component of the SuperTech Cost Tracker. It tracks the progress of the cost tracker throughout the lifetime of the project and requires no input from the user. The Project Summary sheet updates automatically every time a change is made in the cost tracker.

Key Features

This covers the basics of what is needed to successfully use the SuperTech Cost Tracker. Remember that support is available should you run into problems by contacting Derrick Whittle at